A Maritime-Themed Shower in Poland
We’re proud to be part of this overseas, maritime-themed shower hosted at Garden Restauracia in Kraków, Poland. So in answer to whether international shipping is available…
Our girl @patyczeks (middle) spent her baby shower with sister-friends @magdalenanogalska and @ann_sisque.
And we’re more than happy to share the fun with you!
We’re all about selfies too, especially with a cute belly like that. The fashion, the fun and oh that floral crown. You ‘glow’ girl!
No baby shower would be complete without a celebratory toast--after the baby arrives for the woman of honor, of course! These personal champagne bottles and customized tags invite guests to celebrate when the big day arrives.
Sweets are a must to celebrate a sweet babe on the way. These look melt-in-your-mouth delicious!
Thank you for sharing your day with us, @patyczeks! We wish you all the best with your little sailor!